Mel Birnkrant's
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All Original Toy Concepts, Written and Photographic content is Copyright MEL BIRNKRANT
          “My Beautiful Pony” was my all-time best attempt at entering a filly in the Toytown Horse Race.  She was honest and straightforward, but, nonetheless, had way too many features.  I realize, now, in retrospect that she was inspired by Baby Face.  She was Baby Face, reincarnated as a Pony!  And she had, absolutely everything, pose-ability, personality, and a saddle full of fashion accessories.

There’s not a lot to display here.  There were just a few preliminary sketches, no presentation boards, and no fancy final renderings.  I just sat down with several pounds of clay and made her, without any source material to guide me.  Just me and her, the most beautiful pony I could render. 
          This video has been posted on You Tube for several years, now.  But there has never before been a direct link to this website.  Throughout that time, it has been the subject of biting commentary, posted elsewhere online, by idiots who just don’t get it, and boast of their stupidity.  The video, like most that I have shared on You Tube, was not intended for their eyes.  These selling tools are not meant to be toy commercials.  They were simply made to demonstrate the concept to toy company executives, seeking to license outside properties.  So, please look past my "creepy voice" and "hairy paws."  If those things bother you, get lost!  The intended audience was not a gang of smart-ass tarts, but a room full of fat old farts, most likely, chomping on cigars.
          This second diagram displays how glamorous My Beautiful Pony appears after all the makeup, jewelry and accessories, hidden in her magic Saddle are applied.  With rouge on her cheeks, and eyeshadow around her eyes, bright jewels and pretty ribbons in her tail and mane, and her body painted in cheerful designs,  she’s ready for her close up, and hopes to win first prize.
          My poor sad Beautiful Pony, hers has been a long hard journey.  Along the way she won some hearts, and garnered lots of praise, but never won a race.
          When she was finished, I assembled two anatomy boards to represent her, Before and After.  Those are included here.  Then, I made a video.  That’s here as well.

The features are labeled clearly on these two diagrams.  The first shows My Beautiful Pony, wearing nothing, but her golden horseshoes and her Magic Saddle.