Mel Birnkrant's
Mel Birnkrant's
All Original Toy Concepts, Written and Photographic content is Copyright MEL BIRNKRANT
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         As this search through ancient history continues, I am doing my own archeology!  I originally considered calling this website:  "Toys That Time Forgot.”  Amazingly, the deeper I dig, the more I realize that a far better name would be: “Toys That Mel Forgot!”  This series of drawings is a case in point. I have absolutely no memory of doing these, or for that matter, ever seeing them before.  There is no question that I did them, for I recognize my touch, and my propensity to pun.  There are little titles here and there, like “Crazy Nuts” and “Wishy Washers,” but no overriding concept title on the page.  I might have had a hard time deciding what to call this thing, for I sure as hell can’t figure out what to name it now!

But, I like the drawings, and I sort of like the premise too.  I definitely have a taste for inanimate objects that are personified.  And here, everything from screws to nuts is alive.  I assume this was intended to be a preschool construction set, in which all the small parts would have to be large enough to pass the swallow test, and be deemed safe.  Some of the larger elements appear to be soft foam, and all the bolts are bendable, which is an idea that I believe might be unique.
         There is no “Birnkrant KISCOM” signature on these drawings.  And the colored ones were never mounted on illustration board.  These clues lead me to conclude that this concept was never shown, and, most likely, never left my home.

Oh, I knew if I gave it a moment, a name would come to me: I’ll call the concept: “Nutz ‘n Boltz!